Here are all the things that you can do with PROemags Flipbook 4.0. Not all of these options will necessarily appear in your reader. That depends on your specific settings for that title or issue.
You can flip between pages in a few ways:
- click on the arrows on the main navigation bar
- using your keyboard, click the left or right arrows to turn pages back and forth
- click on a page's edge to turn the next/previous page
- there could also be the option to use pre-defined tabs that highlight specific articles or sections. Those replace the the side navigation buttons. All tabs start on the right side of the issue. As a page with a tab is passed, the tab will move to the left side of the issue.
You can zoom in and out of pages in a couple of ways:
- click anywhere on a page to zoom in. To zoom-out, click anywhere on the screen or click the "zoom-out" icon - - in the bottom menu.
- press the "z" key on your keyboard to zoom in and out of pages
Once you're zoomed into a page you have the following options:
- scroll up and down the page by either click&drag with your mouse, or clicking the "up" and "down" arrow keys on your keyboard
- navigate between pages by either clicking the arrows on opposite sides of the page in view, or click the "left" and "right" arrows on your keyboard
Zoom in even closer:
- when zoomed-in, you can zoom in further by pressing the 3 "a" icons in the bottom menu - .
- press the "a" key on your keyboard to toggle between the 3 zoom levels: normal, larger and largest
- when in larger or largest, you can click&drag in all 4 directions. You can also use all 4 arrow keys.
View a lists of articles (sections), links or advertisements:
- Simply hover over the button on the main navigation menu and choose between three buttons for the different types of lists. The chosen list will be displayed.
- hover over an article to display a small preview of the page
- click on the article to flip directly to that page
Share by email or on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Digg...)
- Simply hover over the button on the main navigation menu and choose between two options: email - - and social bookmarking - -. The chosen option will be displayed.
To search the current digital edition you're reading:
- enter your search term in the box provided and click the search button
- a list of results will display - hover over a result to see a preview of the page, click to load the page
The following keyboard shortcuts are available:
- 'right arrow' will flip to the next page (whether you're zoomed-in or not)
- 'left arrow' will flip to the previous page (wether you're zoomed-in or not)
- 'z' will zoom-in and zoom-out
- 'up arrow' will scroll up the page when zoomed-in
- 'down arrow' will scroll down the page when zoomed-in
- 's' will load the search modal where you can search the current digital edition you're reading
- when zoomed-in, 'a' toggles between normal, larger and largest zoom levels
- when zoomed-in to larger or largest, 'left arrow' and 'right arrow' scroll to opposite sides of current pages.
The buttons on the menu perform the following functions:
- - displays previews of all the pages in the digital edition - click on a preview thumbnail to open that page for reading
- > - displays a list of the articles in this digital edition - click on an article to go directly to that page
- > - displays a list of the links in this digital edition - click on a link to go directly to it
- > - displays a list of the advertisements in this digital edition - click on an ad title to go directly to that page
- - displays a list of the external links in this magazine - click on a link to go directly to that web page
- - display list of other issues of this title
From any page you can:
> - email an article to your friend
> - social bookmark to popular sites like Twitter, Facebook and Digg
> - rate an article out of 5 stars (only for newsstand issues)
> - share an article or compilation with friends (only for newsstand issues)
> - save an article to a compilation, or save a compilation to your favorites (only for newsstand issues)
- print the page you're reading
- download the document for offline reading
- view your current collection of clippings
- visit a short help guide about the PROemags 4.0
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