Custom Domain Configuration Access
To access the custom domain configuration page:
- Click on My Account, then Custom Domains in the left side menu
- Click on the "configure" link to the right of any active custom domains on your account
Custom Domain Configuration Access Screenshot
Configuring Your Custom Domain
Once you arrive at the custom domain configuration screen, you can choose the following behaviors from the "select your preferred behavior" dropdown menu:
- Default Landing Page: This is the setting that will be active when your domain first gets set up. See this article for more information
- Redirect to Title: Direct users to the most recent publication of a title, based on pub date. Just choose from your available titles from a dropdown menu
- Redirect to custom URL: Direct users to the website URL of your choice (could be your main website for example OR a custom page you build and host using our API!)
- Display an error message: Message will be displayed asking user to check the URL they typed
Once you make your choice, click Save button to update your custom domain behavior (all changes are live!) OR you can cancel by clicking the "close" link.
Domain Configuration Screenshot
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